Helena Garcia
Maybe it's her amazing use of colour or the fact that her characters always have the most bad-ass hair cuts, but we've been big fans of Helena Garcia's work for a while now. Collaborating on a Limited Edition Momiji with her was massive fun and we adore Vixen's magical eyes!
Tell us about a regular day in the Helena Garcia studio... I usually have the tv or itunes on for background noise and lots and lots of coffee (and if i'm really bad a soda). My dogs are always near by and interrupt me to play with them.
You have a serious flair for hair! Your characters always have such wicked do's! What inspires such lovely locks? I've always been into different hair cuts. The more drastic the better. I guess I've always wanted to look like a cartoon character since I was little and try to implement my hair cuts into my illustrations.
Many of your illustrations feature girls crossed with creatures from the animal kingdom. If you were part creature which species would you be? Definitely a little fox. They're shy but sneaky.

What kind of a girl is Vixen? How did you set about creating her? She's a cool girl who just wants to eat sweets and make stuff for her pals. I was thinking how cool would it be to be friends with a fox.
Where is your favourite place in the world? My favourite place is my family's house in the mountains of Colombia.
Describe your perfect Sunday... Sleeping in. Pancakes for breakfast. Staying in my pj's all day and watching a really bad movie with my chihuahuas and husband, Charlie
You live in Florida...what are your favourite things about living there? The weather! I can't handle the cold too well.
We know you're really into music. What tunes are aiding your creativity at the moment? A mishmash of The Misfits and Manowar to Grizzly Bear and MGMT.
In the kitchen, what's your signature dish? I really like sweets. I guess my favorite thing to bake is blondies with huge chocolate chips.
Thanks, Helena!