Ingela P. Arrhenius
Ingela P Arrhenius has always loved the colours and compositions of the 1950s & 60s. Momiji is delighted by her dapper characters. Ingela lives and works in Stockholm.
Can you tell us a little bit about Peggy and Peter as characters? When I started this fun assignment I wanted to create Momiji that made you think of vintage advertising characters. I wanted Peggy and Peter to be like a gift you would get after visiting a nice hotel or after air travel.
Can you tell us what a typical day is like at the Ingela P. Arrhenius Studio? I often start the day by exercising (cycling or running). Then I buy myself a second breakfast on my way to the studio.
There are about ten of us in a big studio, so first I have to drink my coffee and chit-chat with people before I open my computer. Then I work for a couple of hours, I update my blog if I’m having an efficient day. I often split up my days. I find it a bit difficult to work for eight hours straight. I might leave after lunch because of a meeting or an exhibition I want to see. I need a break in the middle of the day. Then I often work in the evening again, at the kitchen table. My kids are now at the age that they don’t want to play boardgames with me anymore so I have a couple of hours every evening.

How would you best describe your design and illustration style? Retro, fun, graphic and colourful. That is at least what people say.
Did you always know you wanted a creative career? I think so. I used to draw a lot when I was a kid. I had no idea with what, just that I wanted to work in the creative field. It was in art school that I found out it was illustration that was the thing.
What advice would you give to someone who wanted to pursue a creative career? Find your style but never stop being curious and continue to develop.
What’s your favourite thing about your job? The joy I feel everyday of being creative. And being a freelancer with no fixed schedule.
What’s the most challenging aspect? Not to stagnate. And getting paid.

In the kitchen, what's your speciality dish? Having a husband who has cooked for the last 20 years, I can not answer this question!
What’s your favourite thing about living where you do? Stockholm is an incredibly beautiful city and I recently moved back into the city (we lived in a house just outside for 12 years) so I am in the ”crush phase”. I LOVE taking Sunday walks, have breakfasts out, meeting people, visiting exhibitions etc.
If you could live in any other city in the world where would you choose and why? Being a gallophile I have to say Paris or Nice.
Friday nights or Sunday mornings? Sunday mornings!

What’s your favourite font? Bodoni Bold.
In the movie of your life which song would be the title track on the soundtrack? Landslide / Fleetwood Mac
Do you collect anything? I collect artistic and beautiful stuff whatever that may be; a plate, a figurine or a print.
Thanks, Ingela!