Enjoying the Journey

Earlier this month when we launched Clever Clogs I wrote about the new challenges I wanted to set myself and wrote a little list of things I wanted to learn. You may remember me saying I wanted to begin learning to make and edit videos...so...I had a little go.
With the Oscar's just a month away I'm hoping they may consider this as a late entry. Now, I know this isn't the slickest piece of video in the world; it was dark in the office and the camera settings made it come out grainy. I don't really know how to use iMovie but I watched a bunch of YouTube tutorials and tought myself how to get this far. I have a long way to go but I figured that I ought to share it with you guys here because as cheesy as it sounds...and without wishing to go all 'Oprah' on you, one of the biggest lessons I've learned over the last couple of years is that when faced with what seems like a huge challenge, it's so important to enjoy the journey. I can be a bit impatient, dismissive and get easily frustrated. So here I am sharing my first shaky, jerky, grainy video MASTERPIECE with you. I hope you enjoy it.
I'm off to try on some dresses for the Oscars...
(p.s. You may remember that rock climbing was also on my list of things I wanted to learn this year...more news on that another time.)