Give the Gift of A Momiji Voucher

Not sure which Momiji to choose?
Tight on shopping and shipping time?
We can create a personal gift code for you to send to friends and family so they can choose their own doll.
The code is valid for a lifetime! You can choose any value you like.
Email us at [email protected]
Just tell us:
* Your name
* The value of the voucher you'd like to purchase.
* The currency you would like your voucher to be in (British pounds, Euro, US Dollars or Australian Dollars)
* Make up your own code (max 30 characters, spaces are fine.) for example I LOVE YOU LUCY LOU
We'll do the rest! We'll send you a PayPal invoice with 24 hours (which you can pay by credit/debit card or PayPal) then we'll send you your personalised code.
Then you can sit back and relax!
The voucher is only redeemable at and is subject to its Terms & Conditions.
Please note that we're not able to ship to Turkey, Brazil or China.