In Memory of Kali

I’m very lucky to know a group of wonderful women from around the world who came together online through their love for Momiji. They refer to themselves as Super-fans but actually they’re Super-friends. Their friendship blossomed beyond a digital connection and they became a tight-knit crew who meet up in ‘real life’ and have looked out for one-another through happy and sad times for many years. I feel so lucky that they’ve always included me in meet-ups and chats. They really are the loveliest, sweetest, most welcoming bunch.
This weekend we heard the heartbreaking news that Kali died. Kali was a special member of the group. She flew over several times from her home in Greece to be with some of the other girls for lovely days in London where we met up for afternoon tea, long chats and present swapping. Kali had sparkle. Lots of it. Galaxies of it. She was bright, super-intelligent, passionate, caring and generous. She was full of love, bowling everyone over with her hugs, warmth and thoughtfulness.
Kali’s cancer treatment over the past few years has been tough. There were times when she thought she’d beaten it and we celebrated with her. There were very low times when she despaired and the girls in the super-fans-super-friends group were there to support her and keep her positive.
It’s hard to find the right words at times like this. I just wanted to share a few photos here and pay tribute to someone very special. Sending lots of love to Kali’s family and to all the super-friends all around the world who were lucky enough to know her. We’ll miss you, Kali; you were brilliant, brave and strong.