Pictoplasma 2013

We're a little late with uploading these, but we just thought you might like to see some of our phone snaps from our trip to Berlin for Pictoplasma . Pictoplasma is a festival and conference of contemporary character design and art. It was amazing. Helena and I rented a great apartment in Mitte through airbnb.com (such a great site) and we spent our days listening to inspirational talks by great designers and our nights dancing the infamous Pictoplasma parties!
We packed the essentials and headed to Berlin...
The magnificent Babylon is home to the conference...
Brightly coloured flags adorn different venues across the city to show instillations across Berlin which form the Pictoplasma Character Walk.
We got lost. A lot.
Bibi and Darcie were much better at map reading.
Jontofski did this sketch of Helena and I. Rocking the antlers.
One of our favourite parts of the Character Walk was the installation by Felt Mistress. Here's Helena amongst the felty-goodness.
The Platoon venue was host to loads of great live drawing and animation events. Here's
Jontofski sketching portraits...
Some photos from Billy's installation
In conclusion...we HEART Berlin.