If you dream of turning the Momiji doll in your head into a reality then this is a very good place to start. When was the last time you devoted an hour or two getting creative?
Up until Sunday 1st June you'll find our blank Momiji dolls in the 3 for 2 section of the shop which means now is a good time to turn those doll dreams into the real thing.
We love seeing your results on Instagram, check out these pics by @mepru @handeledim @xhandanx and @msroseberry.
by @mepru
by @xhandanx
by @handeledim
by @msroseberry
For further inspiration you may remember these beautiful hand painted Momiji by Stephanie of Casiegraphics, Lisa Hassell of Inkygoodness and Muxxi.
Early stages by Stephanie of Casiegraphics
Close up of Stephanie working on details
Stephanie's amazing intricacies!
Super neat details by Lisa Hassell. Such a cute Momiji.
Getting started by Muxxi
Dreamy details by Muxxi.
10 TOP TIPS for painting your own Momiji
1. Make an afternoon of it. Gather your friends! Fill the teapot and slice up a cake.
2. Soothing music will make you a better painter. Make sure you have the right musical accompaniment.
3. STOP! Take a moment to have a think about what you're doing to do. Start by doodling and sketching.
4. Make sure your brushes are clean and you've got the right tools for the job.
5. Gather together acrylic paints and maker pens are great for fine lines and details.
6. LIGHTLY draw your design with pencil before you start painting.
7. Paint a section and colour at a time and BE PATIENT, don't move on until one colour is dry. Acrylic paints dry pretty quickly so you won't have to wait too long.
8. Decide on a name and personality for your Momiji.
9. Stand back and admire your creations. If you're hosting a painting party you could hold a secret vote to choose a winning design. The person with the most votes gets an extra slice of cake ;)
10. Remember to share you finished results with us on Instagram! #momijidolls #paintyourownmomiji
by @msroseberry