Momiji Collectors | Tea & Cake with Cheryl and Eevee.

One of the things that makes us happiest about Momiji is our family of collectors and supporters around the world. We've come to know and love people from all walks of life who are united by their Momiji passion. Every day we get to hear stories and news from these magnificent people and we thought it might be nice to introduce some of them to you and chat with them about their collections.
We're kicking off with someone who we've been lucky enough to meet up with a few times over the years. The first time we met Cheryl Alvarez-Wilkinson was at a Momiji painting workshop. At that time her daughter, Eevee was a teeny-tiny little bundle of cute. She's now a running-jumping-dancing-singing, hilarious, chatty (and very, very cute) four year old.
We asked Cheryl to be our first blog interviewee as she's been such a pivotal part of the Momiji community online. She's at the heart of a group of superfans who were united by Momiji and became very real friends. These girls have flown around the world to eat copious amounts of cake together. They have supported each other through celebrations, births, illness, heartbreak and hilarity. We are very honored to have them.
I joined Cheryl and Eevee for tea, cake and a chat...
Can you tell us about when you first discovered Momiji?
I think it was Christmas-ish time 2009 when I saw Blushes in a magazine and straight away I got online to check her out. I am a mad crazy collector of cute so she looked perfect to join my other treasures. Little did I know how dangerous that little jolly to would be! I saw that she was Limited Edition and numbered (another downfall if mine - I'm a sucker for a rarity) and also one of a trio, so I just HAD to gave the set.
Which was your first doll?
Do you have a favourite?
I am obsessed with cats. I gave an unhealthy addiction to Hello Kitty and I used to wish for whiskers when I was younger. I have a giant pudding of a cat called Solomon who is my best furball friend. Kitty by Joanna Zhou is my favourite, closely followed by Lucky Kitty. I just LOVE cats.
Are there any dolls which you found hard to track down?
Ooooh apart from the elusive Dippy-D who I have yet to beg/steal/borrow/buy, I found it very hard to find my undamaged Honey. But my most happiest hard-to-find little lady has to be my blank Chiyo. I managed to get a numbered one on release but I also got my hands on a blank version too which I just love as they were only available to guests at the Royal/T event in LA. Super rare!
What's your favourite thing about being a Momiji fan?
My friends. My girls! My super obsessed, super supportive, super crazy bunch of total nutters who 100% get me! The only people in the world who cry with me when someone outbids me on ebay or all cheer collectively when a new doll is released. I also love how many postal workers in the world have been traumatised, terrorised and terrified by our insane happy dances!
Where do you keep your collection?
I neeeeed more space! All my dolls live in my living room on a big set of shelves but they are expanding across the room and seem to have taken over the dvd shelves too! My husband’s gaming collection is under threat of eviction to the attic to make more space.
Which Momiji are you most like?
My four year old, Eevee, says I look like Dolly & Delilah (probably the cat thing) but I think I'm more of a Donut. I love videogames and Sunflower seeds a lot.
What advice would you give to someone looking to start a Momiji collection?
With great cuteness comes great responsibility! Once you start you will not be able to stop so be ready to commit! These little dolls are addictive.
My real advice is to join our support group on Facebook, the Momiji Doll Exchange page. We'll feed your habit...I mean, look after you..!
What does Momiji mean to you?
Fun, friendship, inspiration and sunshine on a rainy day. If I'm ever sad or just feeling down, I look at my dolls and start to smile.