Esther Chaye
Esther Chaye hails from Vancouver in Canada. She is an active crafter and her Arts & Crafts dolls instantly bring back fond memories of your grandmother’s tomato pincushion, that teddy bear you made in school and the cat playing with your wool while you’re trying to make a jumper.
How did you begin exploring your ideas for your Momiji dolls? I knew I wanted to make something that people (myself included) would really appreciate. Everyone loves crafting and DIY!
What’s your usual way of working; do you sketch first or immediately create digital files? I usually sketch out ideas first. I find it a bit easier/quicker to jot ideas down. When I go to the computer first, I find myself always trying to make things too immaculate and pristine, the ideas start to slow down because I'm concentrating too much on how it looks than getting my ideas across. Once I have my idea/sketches then I go to the computer to finalize. But sometimes you can find me on the computer first, I don't have a set rule.
What was your favourite part of the design process? Seeing the final product in its packaging!

Tell us about your workspace. Do you design in a specific place or do you find it easy to work anywhere? I can work from anywhere, I really just need a good solid place to sit and space for my laptop, tablet, sketchbook and art supplies. Oh and a window is good too.
Tell us about a typical work day. I usually start my day with Pinterest and Instagram (I love starting my day with inspiration). Have my toast (honey, pb, banana--I have it everyday)! Then I start my design work (and do a little daydreaming here and there, of course).
What would you say are the most important characteristics for anyone wanting to work in design? You have to be sure of yourself and know that you are really meant to be a designer (it's very competitive). My advice for any profession, keep up to date and learn new things everyday. But always have time for your family and friends :)
In the movie of your life which song would be the title track on the soundtrack? It would be a silent film. An inside joke (hehe)
In the kitchen, what’s your speciality dish? Beet arugula salad with goat cheese
If you could live in any other city in the world where would you choose and why? I would love to experience living in New York for a bit or anywhere in Europe (I'm a very indecisive)! but I do love living in British Columbia, the air is pretty fresh.
Friday nights or Sunday mornings?Sunday mornings (I love to sleep in and cuddle with my maltipoo).