Feels Like Home

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. - Maya Angelou
What does Home mean to you?
I’m house-hunting at the moment. (Funny how we say house-hunting rather than home-hunting.) What is it that makes a building become so much more?
Today we're celebrating our Momiji doll named HOME.. She was inspired by that intangible feeling of being right where you’re supposed to be.
...that intangible feeling of being right where you’re supposed to be.
Home means different things to different people. I haven’t quite found my perfect place yet, but high on my list is finding somewhere with the right kitchen. It might not be a fancy one, but it needs to feel like a good place for me to be able to cook for my favourite people. Sunday afternoons chopping and stirring along to podcasts always makes me feel at right at home.
Yep, it sounds corny, but I’ve come to the conclusion that home is not so much a place, but a feeling.
What about you? What does home mean for you? Is it a sound, a scent, a place, a person? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.