When we created our Little Warriors collection we wanted to include a Momiji that was a reminder to use your voice. We created Courageous You with her megaphone to be a symbol of finding the courage to speak out about things you're passionate about and in support of people who need encouragement.
She could be a the perfect gift for someone who needs to know that you're there for them, cheering them on as they speak their truth.
These are some examples of women who have spoken about using their voice and making themselves heard in a world where it's not always easy to do so.
“Even to me the issue of "stay small, sweet, quiet, and modest" sounds like an outdated problem, but the truth is that women still run into those demands whenever we find and use our voices.”
- Brené Brown, Daring Greatly
“I raise up my voice—not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. … We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.”
- Malala Yousafzai, activist for female education
"Words have power. TV has power. My pen has power."
- Shonda Rhimes, producer & screenwriter
"A very big part of stand-up comedy is that the audience need to believe that the comic is in control and is happy being there. It's very exposing and it forced me to stop hiding and say 'I'm disabled, I'm wobbly and I'm OK with that – I'm just going to connect with you as a person'.
- Francesca Martinez, comedian
"Speaking in public as a Black girl is already daunting enough, just coming onstage with my dark skin and my hair and my race — that in itself is inviting a type of people that have not often been welcomed or celebrated in the public sphere. Beyond that, as someone with a speech impediment, that impostor syndrome has always been exacerbated because there's the concern, Is the content of what I'm saying good enough? And then the additional fear, Is the way I'm saying it good enough?"
- Amanda Gorman, poet
“Sometimes you feel it’s braver to say something outrageous, and it’s not always. Sometimes it’s braver to say the vulnerable thing.”
- Phoebe Waller-Bridge, writer
Tell us who has inspired you with their spoken words. Is there a speech that has been particularly memorable or perhaps someone in your life gave you words of wisdom that have guided you and stayed with you. Leave us a comment below and we'll choose four winners next week. Each winner will receive a gift card to spend at so they can choose a Momiji of their choice. Contest closes on Monday 12th April at 4am EDT / 1am PDT. It's open to everyone, everywhere.
My Mama died on Dec. 29th of last year.
Me han inspirado muchas mujeres, desde pequeña mi madre y por suerte me he rodeado de mujeres que admiro y quiero. Mujeres creadoras, emprendedoras y que contagian buena vibra.
I think one of the people who has inspired me the most is my maternal grandmother. I consider her to be an extremely intelligent, sharp and responsible woman. She taught me to read at a very early age, before I was even in school. She taught me to add, subtract, multiply and divide, and she always managed to transmit her knowledge through play, in a fun way. Her sentences were never too long, but concise and she always encouraged me to be honest and to always have a book in my purse. She used to say: “Whoever has a book in his bag, will never be bored”.
My mother always told me to believe in myself. She has the best advice whenever I feel overwhelmed.
My mom was my rock and always knew how to help in any situation. She always told me how strong I was and that I could always rely on that strength to get me through hard times.
One amazing woman who has inspired me through her words is Maya Angelou. Her quote, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” really stuck with me. It is very true, you won’t forget how someone makes you feel. You will always remember how you felt in that moment and will take those feelings with you as you go on in your life’s journey. Those moments help you grow and become who you are today. I like to remember all of the happy moments in my life- including the day I first came across these lovely Momiji dolls. They bring joy, happiness and inspiration to those of us who keep them for ourselves, and to our loved ones and friends whom we gift them to. And being able to write messages for the dolls to hold makes them even more special. These are the kind of feelings that we will never forget.
My grandma always said that comparing yourself to others is never positive and that “Comparison is the thief of joy!” It’s been a very true quote to live by, each person has their own individual journey and comparing yourself to others can only be damaging to ones mental health ✨💛 and also heard recently “Happy is the new rich” and I’ve been really feeling that lately!
I have been inspired by my children. They are always there if I need them.
I do not meddle in their lives, but I am there if they need me also.
My daughter has two biological children and 2 adopted children. And my Son and his wife live a couple of states away. But, we are best friends .
I have been inspired by the inspirational words of so many people, some famous and some not. But the voice that has inspired and encouraged me the most belongs to my daughter, Lexie. As a single mom, we have always been close and now that she is an adult, she has become my best friend. I wouldn’t have finished college without her support and encouragement. She has been there through all the late night study sessions and deadline break downs of the last two and a half years. She has also talked me through depression, anxiety, burnout and disappointment. I’m so excited that I will get to share the accomplishment of finally graduating with honors, with her on May 7th!
My Mom always encouraged me to get through college and do something with my life rather than just getting married.
The wisest words my Mom ever said to me were “Always help others. No one ever went broke helping others.” To this day, I will help anyone.
I have been (and continue to be) inspired by my high school guidance counselor; she taught me that while the city I grew up was good, there was a world beyond it worth exploring. She helped me find help when she recognized I had an eating disorder in high school. She has seen me graduate college and graduate school; seen me through life’s joys and pains; and watched me marry the love of my life with the love of her life by her side. Her advice and wisdom (from when I was younger) transcended beyond the usual guidance. She is like a second mother to me and she is someone I will always treasure as family not connected by blood.
I have been inspired by many women in my life, everyone from my mother to teachers to friends. But recently, with the increase in violence and hate again Asians, I have been reminded of how much I admire the actress and performer Awkwafina. A couple years ago, I watched her give an interview and she said “When we’re in charge of our own stories, amazing things happen.” This resonated for me back then and her words are even more important today. As an Asian-American woman, I’ve often felt marginalized and out of place. Awkwafina is young, accomplished, beautiful, and strong and she doesn’t shy away from her heritage, but rather uses it as a way to write her own story. I’m much older than she is, but I don’t think I have ever been as wise.
I always love listening to Dessa. Her poetry, music and talks are always inspiring.
My mother has always guided me with her words of wisdom, strength and love. She is always telling me that I Am Enough and to believe in myself. Without this brave, strong, selfless woman I would not be the person I am today.