Well, that was emotional!

Sorry, I think I must have something in my eye...
Well, that was emotional wasn't it? THANK YOU to everyone who shared their beautiful stories with us for this weekend's competition about the meaning of handwritten notes. I haven't been able to stop reading them.
I had no idea which one to pick and I've been reading and reading for hours! Then this one just struck me and I knew it had to be the winner.
My favourite handwritten message is a letter I received when I was 9, from my mum. She was in Clatterbridge hospital having chemo and radiotherapy for breast cancer. I had chicken pox and had got a new school coat (my grandmother had taken me) so I went to my auntie’s, where my mum stayed for the weekend, due to infection, and I stood outside the patio doors showing off my lovely new coat.
Mum had written to me about how lovely it looked and how proud I looked in it. The letter had butter smudges on, from her crumpet, and she apologised in the letter.
Sadly a year later she had passed away, but due to that letter, I smile quite often thinking how she really must be enjoying the crumpet, as she was writing and eating at the same time. Handwritten notes are memories forever, that can raise a smile or bring someone back to life for a minute or two.... Priceless.
That was from somebody named Sarah. Sarah, if you're reading this, I have replied to your comment so please drop me a line so we can arrange your prize.
Sarah has won a Curiosity doll from the Momiji archive. Curiosty was released in 2012 and Sarah's prize will be signed by Helena who designed her.
If anyone is having one of those days when you feel like the whole world is all out of sorts, then I'd suggest reading through some of the comments people left here.
Thank you to everyone who wrote a comment. It's so touching when people take the time to share. We really do have the loveliest community. Thank you.
I hope you will all treasure the messages inside your Momiji dolls and that you enjoy writing funny, cute, love-filled messages to people you give them as gifts to. SPREAD THE LOVE!
If you'd like to choose a Momiji doll for your favourite person and hide a message inside then you can see them all here.
Thanks to @momijidoll_collector on Instagram who took the beautiful image at the top.